Become A VOlunteer

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You’re Youth of India!

Become a Volunteer. Empower others by Engaging with us to Evolve India by 2047.

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Volunteer Declaration

I, hereby consent to Volunteer my services for Youth of India Foundation and agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • Volunteer Services: I understand that as a Volunteer, I will be contributing my time, skills, and efforts to support the activities and initiatives of Youth of India Foundation. I will abide by the guidelines, instructions, and responsibilities outlined by the organization and its designated representatives.
  • Voluntary Nature of Service: I acknowledge that my services are provided on a voluntary basis without any expectation of monetary compensation or employment relationship. I understand that I have the right to terminate my Volunteer services at any time, and Youth of India Foundation also reserves the right to discontinue my Volunteer involvement if deemed necessary.
  • Health and Safety: I certify that I am physically and mentally fit to perform the Volunteer duties assigned to me. I will prioritize my safety and the safety of others by following all health and safety guidelines provided by Youth of India Foundation. I agree to inform the organization of any health conditions or limitations that may affect my ability to fulfill my Volunteer responsibilities.
  • Confidentiality and Data Protection: I understand that during my Volunteer service, I may come across sensitive or confidential information related to Youth of India Foundation, its beneficiaries, partners, or other individuals involved. I agree to maintain strict confidentiality and not disclose any confidential information unless authorized by the organization. I also acknowledge that I will comply with data protection laws and regulations in handling any personal or sensitive data I may have access to.
  • Code of Conduct: I will conduct myself in a professional and respectful manner while representing Youth of India Foundation. I will treat all individuals, including staff, beneficiaries, and fellow Volunteers, with respect, dignity, and fairness. I will adhere to the organization's policies, guidelines, and code of conduct throughout my Volunteer engagement.
  • Intellectual Property: Any work, ideas, or creative contributions I make during my Volunteer service, including but not limited to written materials, designs, or software, shall be the property Youth of India Foundation, and I waive any rights or claims to ownership or compensation for such contributions.
  • Photography and Media Release:I grant Youth of India Foundation the right to capture, reproduce, and use my likeness, photographs, video recordings, or other media materials in connection with the organization's promotional and communication efforts. This includes, but is not limited to, the organization's website, social media platforms, newsletters, and other promotional materials.
  • Release and Waiver: I release Youth of India Foundation its officers, employees, Volunteer, Donor and any authorized /associated with Youth of India Foundation from any liability, claims, damages, or expenses that may arise directly or indirectly from my Volunteer activities, except for any gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the organization.
  • Governing Law: This consent form shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Delhi, India. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Volunteer agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in New Delhi, India.
Employment Opportunities

A few of the companies we have had charity team building events with:
