MOU between Green Hydrogen Organisation and YGH

Signing of Historic MOU between Green Hydrogen Organisation and Youth for Green Hydrogen on 50th World Environment Day

” Youth have galvanised the world towards taking actions. Now, it is time once again for youth to step-up in demanding solutions to the world in emitting net-zero emissions”  

Jonas Moberg, CEO, Green Hydrogen Organisation

On the occasion of World Environment Day, Youth for Green Hydrogen organized a global conference titled Strengthening Youth for Green Hydrogen. This was attended by eminent dignitaries, heads of organizations, and youth from all over the world participated in overwhelming numbers. The session was successful in Striking a conversation with eminent leaders in the Industry and Government around the world and building meaningful partnerships with industry experts and academia. 

Hydrogen is emerging as one of the leading options for storing energy from renewables with hydrogen-based fuels potentially transporting energy from renewables over long distances – from regions with abundant energy resources, to energy-hungry areas thousands of kilometers away. Green hydrogen featured in a number of emissions reduction pledges at the UN Climate Conference, COP26, as a means to decarbonize heavy industry, long haul freight, shipping, and aviation. Governments and industry have both acknowledged hydrogen as an important pillar of a net zero economy.

Green Hydrogen Organisation (GH2) and Youth for Green Hydrogen  (Youth4GH2) came together to sign an MOU calling for Inter-generational partnerships between young people and across generations to strengthen the use of Green Hydrogen. The following points were agreed upon and mentioned as follows in the MOU:

Both parties agree to support and promote each other’s green hydrogen efforts and to promote awareness on green hydrogen internationally at the youth and student level. The two parties will work together to encourage increased youth engagement in green hydrogen policies.

  •  Youth4GH2 and GH2 will cooperate to engage universities across the globe to host dialogues, networking events, discussions, and research on green hydrogen.
  • Youth4GH2 will support the work of GH2 and feed into GH2’s workstreams to ensure they align with interests of youth in green hydrogen.
  • GH2 will cooperate with Youth4GH2 in creation of a Global Youth for Green Hydrogen Innovation Fund to support youth mobilisation and entrepreneurship in Green Hydrogen.
  • GH2 will consider hosting the first-ever Youth for Green Hydrogen Global Assembly along with YOUTH4GH2.
  • Youth4GH2 and GH2 will together support and advocate a youth-led demand for creation of a Global Green Hydrogen Day.
  • The parties will work to ensure that at least half of all Youth4GH2 members are women and include marginalized and indigenous youth.
  • Youth 4GH2 hopes to cooperate with GH2 to promote intergenerational partnership in order to catalyze the youth in green hydrogen movement. 

About Green Hydrogen Organisation:

GH2 was launched in September 2021. GH2 is based on the believe that climate disaster will only be prevented if the use of oil, gas and coal stops urgently. To do this, the world needs to accelerate the production and use of green hydrogen, made from renewable energy and water. A founding principle of GH2 is that green hydrogen must be prioritized and differentiated from all forms of fossil fuel and fossil fuel-derived hydrogen, including grey and blue hydrogen. 

About Youth For Green Hydrogen Organisation:

Youth For Green Hydrogen is an inclusive movement of young people working towards creating solutions to end climate crisis and we firmly belive it is only through the green technology that the world can reduce the dependency on its existing consumption of fossil fuels. The usage of green technology while would be reached incrementally but the emergency of climate crisis calls every young person to take action in making our societies based on renewable energy sources, especially green hydrogen.

Furthermore, we firmly believe that this can be achieved if GH2 is produced at local levels such as village and township through reduced production costs and by involvement of community members especially young women and men, including indigenous communities. Intergenerational partnerships are at the center of our approach as we believe that its through the life cycle approach that educating children, adolescents elderly that TOGETHER we will be able to achieve the world that adopts and adapts Green Hydrogen energy source.

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